Jackson, Mississippi (1998): Left to Right: Eudora Welty; Dancer Thalia Maria; Poet & Novelist Margaret Walker / credit: Hubert Worley, Jr.,

Personal Memories:

"I had the pleasure of knowing all three of these extraordinary women, all in different contexts. Miss Welty and I had become acquainted in 1979; it was an abiding friendship that flourished for many years until her death in 2001, but particularly after 1991. Always, she received me during visits to Jackson, and she was especially interested to hear about my travels to England, France and Italy--places she had gone for the first time at the close of the Second World War. You can imagine my delight when she agreed to our interview. First, it had been commissioned by The Sunday Times of London; subsequently, my editor resigned, and as often happens, the new regime dismissed all prior projects; later, Mississippi magazine published the feature, followed by The University Press of Mississippi." - Joseph Dumas
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